Thursday, August 20, 2009

'If you were a Social Scientist, which one would you be?'

I think I would be, out of the five to pick from: Historian, Geographer, Anthropologist, Paleontologist and Archaeologist, I would be a Geographer or a Historian.

Reasons for being a Geographer:

* I like to study maps, and it's fun to find out where certain countries are.
It's also interesting to find out what lies under the Earth's crust and the Earth's countries.

* I've always wondered how many countries, cities, towns, and so on are in the world. I'd want to be an expert on that.

* Geographers get to study nature, and I don't know a lot about animals or plants, so I think I'd want to know more about them. I also want to learn more about Mountains, land formations and erosion.

Reasons for being a Historian:

* I love writing, and I also like reading about history, maybe books about World War I and World War II. They are very interesting subjects.

*Historians usually read, and they reason. I LOVE reading, and even though I'm not exactly keen about reasoning, I'd love to try it.

*My last reason would be that I would REALLY learn a lot more than I used to, and I want to learn more about people in the past. After the two World Wars, I think Non-fiction books about Ancient Life and its people would be perfect. (I'd like to read books on the Egyptians and Ancient Egypt.)

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