Thursday, August 20, 2009

'If you were a Social Scientist, which one would you be?'

I think I would be, out of the five to pick from: Historian, Geographer, Anthropologist, Paleontologist and Archaeologist, I would be a Geographer or a Historian.

Reasons for being a Geographer:

* I like to study maps, and it's fun to find out where certain countries are.
It's also interesting to find out what lies under the Earth's crust and the Earth's countries.

* I've always wondered how many countries, cities, towns, and so on are in the world. I'd want to be an expert on that.

* Geographers get to study nature, and I don't know a lot about animals or plants, so I think I'd want to know more about them. I also want to learn more about Mountains, land formations and erosion.

Reasons for being a Historian:

* I love writing, and I also like reading about history, maybe books about World War I and World War II. They are very interesting subjects.

*Historians usually read, and they reason. I LOVE reading, and even though I'm not exactly keen about reasoning, I'd love to try it.

*My last reason would be that I would REALLY learn a lot more than I used to, and I want to learn more about people in the past. After the two World Wars, I think Non-fiction books about Ancient Life and its people would be perfect. (I'd like to read books on the Egyptians and Ancient Egypt.)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

List 5 adjectives to describe yourself.

* Bookworm *Writer *Time-Cautious *Responsible *Quiet

'What is your favorite vacation memory?'

I don't have one favorite vacation memory, I have two.

The first one is DEFINITELY seeing my grandparents again when we got of the van which brought my family from the airport to our house. I am very close to them, and when I'm lonely, I usually think about them.

The second one is playing basketball with my cousins, Ate Anica-16 years old, and in highschool. She's somewhat a book freak like me.- Kuya Javi-12 years old, about 7 or 8 months older than I am. Hmph! He's the ultimate basketball freak- Micko -He's seven, as old as Denise, my second sister and they're great playmates- and Ia, who's about 3 or 4 years old.

'What is one social goal you have for this year?'

That is another tough one. Maybe I'd like to make more friends. I'm not exactly what you'd call sociable, and I'd like to try to 'make more friends, and renew the friendships with the others.'

'What is one academic goal you have for this year?'

That is one tough question. My first thought would usually be 'I don't really know.' OR 'I'm not entirely sure.' But when I actually think about it, I'd like to get good grades in all my classes, and have them all year round. I'd definitely like that, and I know my parents would be proud of me.

'What is the last movie you have seen?'

The last movie I've seen is 'Ice Age 3. Return of the Dinosaurs.' It is a hilarious movie, the genre probably comedy. It wasn't really like the first Ice Age Movie, where it was a bit...well, 'sad'. On a lighter note, my favorite character will definitely be Diego, who is a Sabertooth Tiger, and he is VERY funny. I hope everyone else will have a chance to watch it, and get some good laughs out of it too.

'What are the last three books that you have read?'

The last three books I have read are:

* 'So Totally Emily Ebers' By Lisa Yee, who is also the author of 'Millicent Min, Girl Genius' and 'Stanford Wong Flunks Big-Time.' These three books are a trilogy, and as Lisa Yee says, 'can be read any day of the week, and at any time, except when you're sleeping.'
*'Horrible Histories: The Slimy Stewarts.' By Terry Deary, and illustrated by Martin Brown. Terry Deary and Martine Brown have worked together to produce many 'Horrible History' Books. Here are a few titles: 'The Awesome Egyptians', 'The Rotten Romans', The Vicious Vikings', and 'The Stormin' Normans.'
*'The Spider Sapphire Mystery.' By Carolyn Keene, who is the author of the wonderful Nancy Drew series. Some of the titles include: 'The Secret of The Old Clock', and 'The Bungalow Mystery'. These can be read in any order, sotake your pick and start sleuthing with Nancy Drew.

All About Me

My name is Rita Camacho. I am a student at ISKL Ampang, and I am currently in sixth grade. Now here's something I might surprise you, the reader, with. I have five siblings, three brothers and two sisters! Now for my hobbies. I just LOVE reading, and I totally agree with the saying, 'So many books, such little time.' And before I stop typing/writing this paragraph, I am from the Philippines. Unfortunately, I can only visit my home-country during Summer and Winter Vacation, which is too bad, but that's always something I can look forward to.